If you’re looking to improve as a surfer, and you have the summer blues due to no waves in South Florida, Carver Skateboards can be a great tool! Started in 1996 Carver has led the modern surfskate movement with it’s innovative truck systems. The dual-axis C7 truck for a smooth and flowing ride, or the CX truck, with a reverse kingpin for a quick and snappy ride. And with a variety of surf-inspired shapes and concaves, along with fast and grippy Roundhouse wheels, Carver Skateboards deliver speed, power, and flow so you can truly surf the concrete!
Surfing is all about repetitive motions and technique, due to the lack of surf in South Florida, it can be hard to practice. Carver Skateboards keeps you from losing your surf movements, and muscles. I’ve personally witnessed surfers learn a trick on a Carver and then complete the same maneuver in the water! It really builds leg strength, balance, and repetition of proper surf movements.
We get asked often if you can ride the Carver Skateboards in the skate park. The answer is yes, but choosing the right truck system is crucial. If you are riding on flat surfaces, or parks with low incline, the C7 is the right choice. When heading to the skate park, or pump track, the CX is the right choice. We carry just the trucks, so we can equip any deck you like with the according truck. You can also install the Carver trucks on other decks, we carry a variety of wider decks that can be used! So stop complaining about the lack of surf, and come get your surf skate on!!

Carver Skateboards